Monday, July 2, 2007

I Know I was wrong…

And Am sorry…

Am sorry for my silence

For the words which I should have spoken

I was dumb then,

Now I know what it is like being without you

And Am sorry…

For I ran away from you

For the false promises

For taking you love

For making you wait

And am sorry

It’s true that I shied away from you

I swear there was no reason behind

It’s just that my foolishness

I closed myself from you…

And Am sorry…

Now that you are not there for me

And the fact can’t be that hard

But It came on me so,

So, Please forgive me…

I love you so much

Though I dint express it well,

And I treasure you so dear

But am sorry I was gone…

Waiting for you…

Hoping you will turn…

Just a smile,

Will Rejuvenate my life

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